Excel If Function Multiple Criteria
Excel If Function Multiple Criteria
IF formula in Excel is a very powerful formula, because you can solve any
complex problems with this formula. To understand the formula easily, let me
explain some examples. So, let's start the tutorial.
Excel में IF सूत्र बहुत शक्तिशाली सूत्र है, क्योंकि आप इस सूत्र के साथ किसी भी जटिल समस्याओं को हल कर सकते हैं। सूत्र को आसानी से समझने के लिए मैं कुछ उदाहरणों की व्याख्या करता हूं। तो, ट्यूटोरियल शुरू करते हैं।
Excel If function example 1:
we have a condition to solve which is shown below in Fig 1.
Fig 1
Fig 1. you can see that "If C5 has 80 then D5 will show 50 otherwise it
will show 100 in D5. So, here I use IF formula and syntax of IF formula is
(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Here, logical_test means
operator with main object. ie our condition is - if C5 has 80 i.e. C5 equals
80. Now, [value_if_true] - if C5 has 80 then 50 will appear and
[value_if_false] - If C5 is not equal to 80 then 100 will appear.
Fig 1. में आप देख सकते हैं कि "यदि C5 में 80 है तो D5 में 50 दिखाएगा अन्यथा यह D5 में 100 दिखाएगा। इसलिए, यहां मैं IF सूत्र का उपयोग करता हूं और IF सूत्र का syntax है (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])यहां, लॉजिकल_टेस्ट का अर्थ है मुख्य वस्तु के साथ ऑपरेटर । यानी हमारी स्थिति है - यदि C5 में 80 है अर्थात C5 बराबर 80। अब, [value_if_true] - यदि C5 में 80 है तो 50 दिखाई देगा और [value_if_false] - यदि C5 80 के बराबर नहीं है तो 100 दिखाई देगा।
logical_test |
value_if_true |
value_if_false |
C5=80 |
50 |
100 |
Now, how can we write the
So, firstly click on D5 and
write down the formula like this –
= IF(C5=80, 50, 100)
**** Comparisons are =,
>, <, <>, <=, >= ****
Excel If function example 2:
we have a condition to solve which is shown below in Fig 2.
Fig 2
In Fig.
2. You can see the question is "If C5 has Akash, it will show 50 in D5
otherwise it will show 100 in D5. Therefore, here I use the IF formula and the
syntax of the IF formula is (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])
Here, logical_test means the logical operator i.e. our position with the main
object - if C5 has Akash that is, C5 is equal to the Akash. Now,
[value_if_true] - if C5 has Akash then 50 will show and [value_if_false] - if
C5 is not equal to Akash will show 100.
Fig 2. आप देख सकते हैं सवाल यह है कि “यदि C5 में आकाश है तो D5 में 50 दिखाएगा अन्यथा यह D5 में 100 दिखाएगा। इसलिए, यहां मैं IF सूत्र का उपयोग करता हूं और IF सूत्र का syntax है (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) यहां, लॉजिकल_टेस्ट का अर्थ है कि मुख्य ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ लॉजिकल ऑपरेटर यानि हमारी स्थिति है - यदि C5 में आकाश है अर्थात C5 बराबर आकाश है। अब, [value_if_true] - यदि C5 में आकाश है तो 50 दिखाएगा और [value_if_false] - यदि C5 बराबर नहीं है आकाश तो 100 दिखाएगा।
logical_test |
value_if_true |
value_if_false |
C5=”Akash” |
50 |
100 |
Note: - When you entered any
text within formula than use block quote (“ “)
Now, how can we write the
So, firstly click on D5 and
write down the formula like this –
= IF(C5=”Akash”, 50, 100)
If function example 3:
Let we have a condition to solve which is shown below in Fig 3.
Fig 3
In Fig 3. you can see that
the question is "If C5 has Akash then Welcome Sir in D5 will show
otherwise Sorry! You are not permitted. Here I use IF formula and syntax of IF
formula is (logical_test , [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Here,
logical_test means the logical operator i.e. our position with the main object
- if C5 has a Akash that is, C5 equals Akash. Now, [value_if_true] - if C5 has
Akash then Welcome Sir will show and [value_if_false] - If C5 is not equal to
Akash then it will show Sorry! You are not permitted.
Fig 3. में आप देख सकते हैं कि सवाल यह है कि "यदि C5 में आकाश है तो D5 में Welcome Sir दिखाएगा अन्यथा Sorry! You are not permitted दिखाएगा। यहां मैं IF सूत्र का उपयोग करता हूं और IF सूत्र का syntax है (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) यहां, लॉजिकल_टेस्ट का अर्थ है कि मुख्य ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ लॉजिकल ऑपरेटर यानि हमारी स्थिति है - यदि C5 में आकाश है अर्थात C5 बराबर आकाश है। अब, [value_if_true] - यदि C5 में आकाश है तो Welcome Sir दिखाएगा और [value_if_false] - यदि C5 बराबर नहीं है आकाश तो Sorry! You are not permitted दिखाएगा।
logical_test |
value_if_true |
value_if_false |
C5=”Akash” |
Welcome Sir |
Sorry! You are not permitted |
Note: - When you entered any
text within formula than use block quote (“ “)
Now, how can we write the
So, firstly click on D5 and
write down the formula like this –
= IF(C5=”Akash”, “Welcome
Sir”, “Sorry! You are not permitted”)
= IF(C5 <> ”Akash”, “Sorry!
You are not permitted”, “Welcome Sir”)
Excel If Function Multiple Criteria:
Let we have a condition to solve which is shown below in Fig 4
Fig 4
In Fig 4. You can see the
question is “If a student score greater than equal to 60% than the Division is
1st Div else score between greater than equal to 45% but less than
60% than Division is 2nd Div else score between greater than equal
to 30% but less than 45% than Division is 3rd Div otherwise Division is Fail” So, here I use if
formula and the syntax of If formula is IF(logical_test, [value_if_true],
Now, how can we write the Excel If Function Multiple Criteria?
Here we have three ,
[value_if_true] condition and one [value_if_false]) so the syntax is like this
IF(1st logical_test, [1st value_if_true],
IF(2nd logical_test, [2nd value_if_true], IF(3rd
logical_test, [3rd value_if_true], [value_if_false])))
It means, Excel function checks 1st logical_test
, if it founds true than the result cell value is [1st value_if_true]
else again it checks 2nd logical_test
, if it founds true than the result cell value is [2nd value_if_true]
else again it checks 3rd logical_test , if it founds true than the result cell
value is [3rd value_if_true] otherwise if it doesn’t match any logical
test than it displayed, [value_if_false].
= IF(C8>=60%, “1st
Div”, IF(C8>=45%, “2nd Div”, IF(C8>=30%, “3rd Div”,
**** End of Tutorial ****
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